Our HOA Doesn’t Understand The Internet

The high wind caused a Trash Situation. The truth is out there but it doesn’t matter. This place is the opposite of a Think Tank.

Lisa Duffy-Korpics


Trash lying on the ground, plastic bottles, cups, used gloves lying in street
Photo by Jas Min on Unsplash

Wind Alert

Last week we had sustained wind speeds of 30 miles per hour with gusts up to 50. It wasn’t forecast — it came out of nowhere. (…probably from Canada, they’re always sending us their used wind.)

Nevertheless, it was windy.

It was a windy day. A day that had wind. We had a day in which a great deal of wind was not expected yet it happened anyway. ( This will be important later.)

The National Weather Service alerts were popping up on phones, radios, and smartwatches. Even Alexa was telling us to AVOID DRIVING HIGH PROFILE VEHICLES and to SECURE LOOSE OUTDOOR OBJECTS. We even had a SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY.

(That last one doesn’t apply to me but if it did I would go do all the boat things — make sure my craft is secured, anchored, or tied up. Whatever it takes. I would be a good boat person. I would…I would batten down those hatches and take those small craft advisories seriously. Unless I was at work. Then I wouldn’t.)

Nobody has boats here unless they have them docked at the river because you can’t have…

