Writer, Wife, Teacher, Mom, Grandma, Loser of Keys

Author of Tales from a Dog Catcher (c) 2009 Lyons Press Imprint of Rowman & Littlefield.

I'm a recently retired high school Social Studies & Psychology Teacher. I miss my career but I'm trying to find my way back to writing again. I was also an Animal Control Officer and Peace Officer in a police department.

Other jobs included an illegal Oral Surgery assistant at age 14, (I was good at it too - stupid NYS laws), and an excellent Nursing Student until I was kicked out for lying about my spinal fusions. I was a meh waitress, a mediocre bartender, an entertaining employee at a very tolerant catering company, and a really good day camp counselor. I got fired from newspaper delivery (one day after dumping the stacks of newspapers in the street and going home. They weighed more than I did. ) and as a grocery store cashier. Math is not my friend. I packed a mean grocery bag though.

I've been a writer since I was 6 but didn't publish anything until I was 29. (I thought my story in 2nd grade about Leroy the boy who had one cigarette and was discovered dead under the swingset an hour later was good - I'd never seen my serious Scottish Grandfather laugh as hard as he did when he read it.)

I blame it on After-School Specials.

I've written for local and national magazines. I started with a personal essay, pitched a few ideas, and then was fortunate to write on assignment for local magazines. They'd ask and I'd do it. It was a great experience. If you want to write what you want, you should have to learn how to write what you're told first and treat them both with respect. There's a difference between art and a product. If you want to sell your writing don't forget to respect the latter.

I've appeared in the Chicken Soup for the Soul anthologies and that's where doors started opening for me. I enjoy writing satire, humor, inspiration, observational, life lessons, and memoirs. I also enjoy Psychology, Education, Geneology, and other topics as well. I've written about animals for many years so I'm trying to branch out but I think they'll pop up here eventually. As for losing keys - that's the truth. I lose them all the time among other things but especially keys.

I have a husband, two grown children, 2 grandchildren,1 more on the way, and a 16-year-old Rescue Cat who found me in 2015 and rescued me. So I'm his Rescue Person.

He's in charge of everything now.

Thank you for reading - I love reading the amazing stories on here and I'm looking forward to being part of the Medium Family.

Medium member since November 2023
Friend of Medium since March 2024
Connect with Lisa Duffy-Korpics
Lisa Duffy-Korpics

Lisa Duffy-Korpics

Book Author

Friend of Medium

Author, Wife, Teacher, Mom, Grandma, Loser of Keys.